10 Green Bottles: Reducing plastic waste

10 Green Bottles: Reducing plastic waste

10 Green Bottles is a zero waste delivery company that delivers fresh organic produce to customers doorsteps. We hear what makes them a zero waste company in Wiltshire.

Guest blog written by Chris, Admin & Marketing Manager at 10 Green Bottles.

Did you know?

The average household consumes 21 pints of milk per month. One single use plastic pint bottle weighs around 10 grams. That's just over 2,500 grams (2.5 bags of sugar) of single use plastic each year PER HOUSEHOLD just in milk bottles!

Stacked milk cartons

10 Green Bottles

This is where we come in.

10 Green Bottles is a zero waste delivery company that delivers fresh organic produce to customers doorsteps that live in Swindon and surrounding areas. Located in Wroughton, Swindon and operating under Berkeley Farm Dairy, we've been delivering since April 2021 and have seen our customer base increase to over 3,000 customers having regular deliveries once or twice a week meaning more and more people are switching to a greener supply of household essentials.

What makes us a zero waste company?

Zero Plastic

We have what we call a "Rinse, Return and Reuse" process. All of our milk, yogurt, cream, honey, preserves and juices are supplied in glass bottles and jars meaning we reduce our single use plastic to zero. The lids can be recycled with other household recycling as well. 

Pouring milk into a glass bottle

10 Green Bottles

Zero waste. Zero landfills.

We use biodegradable packaging for our bread and bakery items, veg bags, cheeses, crisps and butter so you don't have to worry about even more waste being sent to landfills.

Even our egg boxes are returned to us and then our supplier collects them to use again!

Egg cartons

10 Green Bottles

Reduced Carbon Emissions

Our vans and milk floats are 100% electric and charged via solar panels.

Solar powered milk fleet

10 Green Bottles

In addition to this, 10 Green Bottles donates 10% of all profits to “Plant Your Future”, a conservation charity for the Amazon rainforest.

“Plant Your Future” work with small farmers in Peru to educate them in farming in a more sustainable way that reduces further deforestation. The charity also plants additional trees within the Amazon.

How to become a customer

Sign up for deliveries from 10 Green Bottles by downloading their app or visit shop.10green.co.uk to create an account and see the full product range.

Each customer receives a free cool bag and 500g Berkeley Farm Natural Yogurt with their first delivery.

You can contact them via email or phone; admin@10green.co.uk or 01793 688834.