Become a Wildlife Guardian

Become a Wildlife Guardian

Since 1962 Wiltshire Wildlife Trust has worked tirelessly to protect local wildlife and natural habitats, rescuing wildflower meadows, ancient woodland, lakes, rivers and chalk grasslands throughout Wiltshire, some of which are of global importance.

Our work is only made possible through generous gifts given by supporters, both large and small; if you are able please consider becoming a Wildlife Guardian, with either a one-off payment of £10,000 (£15,000 for Joint Guardianship with your partner) or a regular payment starting at £125/month (£175/month for joint)*.

In appreciation of your generous support, we are pleased to offer you:

  • An invitation to the annual Chief Exec's lunch 
  • Bespoke email updates about our work
  • A complementary Trust membership, including twice-yearly magazine and Annual Review
  • Acknowledgement if you wish on the website, social media and in the Annual Report 
  • A contact for enquiries at the Trust
  • Invitations to visit conservation projects to see work in progress and end results

Become a Wildlife Guardian (individual)

Become a Wildlife Guardian (joint)

*Please note: Under the Landfill Communities Fund a Landfill Operator will pay tax when they bury waste and some of this tax is made available for Landfill Operators to distribute as grants to Environmental Bodies. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is an approved Environmental Body and can be asked to find 10% of the project costs from Third Party Donors to access these grants.

By providing funding towards the Contributing Third Party payment, you can unlock 10 times the amount of your donation. If you give a donation your money may be passed to a landfill operator as a Contributing Third Party Payment, which means that for every £10 you give, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust could receive £100!

If you have any questions about this scheme, please contact James Ravine via